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Thursday, March 4, 2010

flower new tattoo

I like to Love What this is

So a lot of stuff is going on but I dont really have time to list it all so here is a quick run down. Synapse is growing sooo fast, I couldn’t be happier. Projects seem to be going very smooth which I am quite thankful for. We just nailed down a pretty big job for us and have been in talks with a great guy on the east coast to kinda bring him in to help us out with some of the cms stuff. Usually I do that all on my own but I just don’t have time anymore do balance everything.

We are also developing a new piece of software called, “Hatch”. And even though I can’t talk about it yet just you wait, its going to be amazing.

In personal news I am going to a wedding this weekend which should be really fun. I haven’t been to a wedding since I used to work at them almost 2-3 years ago. Its for a girl I used to work with and it should be kinda cool seeing some of those people… and interesting to see others. And the big news… I have started writing my movie! I know it will never go anywhere but I really think the idea would translate well into film. Its nothing ground breaking or amazingly creative but a wonderful twist on a great story along the lines of Garden State, and Wristcutters. That reality but not quite reality kinda deal.

And finally, I got the new tattoo:


… i know, its sexy. And now its time to start the day. Were working on some album art work for In:Aviate that should blow some minds. And if we do it well enough it could potentially be grammy worthy.